Friday, February 1, 2008



Another fun week of Picture Perfect

and Tint, our host for the last few weeks,

 has come up with another great theme.

To read the rules and join in the fun

just click on this link----->PICTURE PERFECT





The Theme this week: House and Home




"Where we love is home,

home that our feet may leave,

but not our hearts."

~ Oliver Wendell Holmes




It's just a little house up on a hill

But it warms the heart in me...


no matter how far I may wonder

'Tis true

there still is no place like home!

Home is like that....

Big or small, fancy or plain,

that house changes to  home  when

filled with love of family, friends, and God above!

It is a shelter from the storm,

A safe haven from the world.

(On a camping trips,

that's how I see my tent!)

I know it wouldn't matter if it were 10 rooms or 1

It would always bring smiles....

Because .....

"Home is where the heart is."






We should come home from adventures,

and perils,

and discoveries every day

with new experience and character."

~Henry David Thoreau





Wishing everyone

a wonderful weekend!


"Be grateful for the home you have,

knowing at this moment,

all you have is all you need."

~Sarah Ban Breathnach


  1. Your home is like you Linda....full of love and grace.

    (I don't think I'll be doing picture perfect this week)

  2. What a wonderful home you have! I love the stone wall leading up to it...very beautiful!!

  3. ahh here you are!
    that house of yours is exactly like i can imagine as your beloved home!
    beautiful and heartwarming blog as always, linda!

  4. Since "home is where the heart is".........I have 5 homes!! My heart is with each of my children.... (my personal quote on Yahoo used to be "Home is where ever my kids are".....something that I made up myself)
    Love the quote by Sarah Ban Breathnach!!!
    Wishing you a beautiful weekend, my friend.......God Bless.. (((HUGS)))

  5. I just cannot put Alabama and Snow together in the same thought!!!
    Guess I had better get used to it. Very warm looking house Linda, warm from the heart. Like Bev above, the stone retaining wall really caught my eye first.

  6. I don't remember ever seeing that much snow when I lived in Birmingham, course it has been a while and I am getting old so maybe my memory is fading.LOLLLL

  7. That's so beautiful Linda, I love the song too. ^_^

  8. Wow! You did a wonderful job here! All look wonderful, your home, the picture, the poems and the sweet song!!! Kudos!!

    Thanks for sharing! Mine is up too if you have a minute!

  9. Really like how you layed this all out. I have got to learn to do things better.Nice...Very nice. Thanks for sharing.

  10. Oh..I love pretty sitting up there!!!

  11. I really like the stone wall, makes the home you have look unique.
    Mine is up as well, have a nice weekend.

  12. Great place. It sits very majestic up on the crest. A beacon for those that are trying to find their way home. Nicely done.

    My PPF this week... HOUSE AND HOME

  13. Lovely photo, Linda. Lovely home!

  14. Great photo. Looks so warm.
    Mine's up as well.

  15. How homey! I love it and your poems.

    Your words made me remember the sign above our front door that I should have written out in my blog for everyone to read... oh well. I'll add it now. Thanks!!

  16. Way to capture the beauty and simple yet profound truth of the value of home! It is sometimes the simplest of things that warm our hearts unlike anything else!

  17. Oh what a lovely home... your house is gorgeous : ) I love that first quote by Oliver Wendell Holmes and have saved it. Lovely blog as always, Linda!

  18. This is beautiful and a very special and true message! :-) Home is definitely where the heart is!

  19. A very lovely home indeed!

    I missed you! I was naughty and bidding on eBay for awhile and neglecting my friends. I wanted to stop by and give you a big HUG! I look forward to relaxing this weekend and reading. Plus, I have a few vacation days at the end of the week! Yipeeeeeeeee!

    How are things over in your corner of the world?
