Monday, September 22, 2008

Mono Monday plus #11(MM#25) with a twist ~ EMOTION

(Link Above)

And the emotion I picked was love....
Took a bike ride and walk with my son and his family Sunday afternoon.  When we completed the walk, we just hung out in the front yard.... Of course, the girls stuck close to Daddy as the are Daddy's girls for sure.  Was so glad that my camera was on when the little one ran up to Daddy and Big Sis and gave them both a big hug!
I started with this picture:

And this is what I did:
1.  Of course,  I pulled it up in Picnik  (Frannie created a Picnik freak here ~ need to branch out.......  Later!)
2.  Went to Focal B&W ~ adjusted the Focal Size, Edge Hardness, & Fade.
3.  Went to Boost and adjusted the Strength to bring out the focal color!
4.  Next HDR-ish ~ adjusted Radius, Strength, & Fade.
5.  Saved it to my computer and uploaded to Photobucket where I added the album corners.

Daddy's Little Girls

Wishing everyone
a week full of love!!!


  1. Very well done and the love just glows from all their faces.

  2. Awe this is a lovely photo. They look so cute playing together. Great conversion too!

    Empress C's Mono Plus

  3. It's funny how the family was the focus of the photo in color and it still is when you changed it but now I notice what a graceful home they adds to the love.

  4. They got your beautiful smile and dimples too.....awwww

  5. linda very well done the conversion brought so much detail out on the wood and stone work and the color element works splendidly...all i can say is WELL DONE...and to think you just came into the game a few weeks ago and look at what you are doing already ...I knew you were so ready to start with and this just proves it....

    and the music is a great complement to this shot I love seeing folks bringing all the elements together in these for added impact

  6. Linda, the love sure flows from them out of the photo and out of the computer! Wonderful work!

  7. That is what I call happy love ...emotion..nice

  8. Ohhh I hope you have that framed...:)

  9. How cute is that!!!! Like the B&W with the family still in color!!
