Saturday, August 2, 2008

This Moment. . .



Last week I made a trip to visit with my Mom and Sis.   On the drive

to and from Florida I listened to a seminar on CD.  One of the 

speakers that really made an impression on me was Marie Forleo.  

(Knew I liked her the minute she started to speak.)  It could have been

her enthusiasm or just her pleasant personality, but when she started

to speak on Living in the Moment she had my complete attention.


I am a list person and use those to get things accomplished, groceries

gotten, chores done.....etc.   She brought this up and said your goals

are not as important as the moment.  She stated working on yourself

doesn't work.  Her belief was when you take care of this moment the

future takes care of itself.  So writing down goals and making the end

product the important thing won't work!  Or at least it won't work for

making the best life you can have!  What is important is where you are

and what you are doing right this moment...

Doesn't matter if you are in a grocery store line or doing the dishes,

each is so important.  Enjoy those people around you in line.... 

enjoy that warm water and those suds...   Be there and enjoy what

is going on around you this very minute.


Made sense to me!!!   I thought and thought about it!!!  How

could you have a bad day if you make the most of every minute

and enjoy it for what it is? How wonderful each moment and

each day would be for each of us!

                     ~ Linda



........  ..This video is five minutes long but it delivers a wonderful message and I believe is worth all five minutes.  I believe it so much I have watched it three times!  It has to be read, but I think you will enjoy it!


Now is nothing,

an infinitesimal membrane of time

through which the future passes into the past.

Yet now is the only moment we know.

But to be in that moment,

to have our attention be here, now;

not caught up in the past or the future,

not caught up in worry or concern,

to be at peace with what is,

to know that still center about which time turns,

Ah, that is our challenge.

So hard,

because we are so easily lost in thought.

So easy,

because it is right here, all there really is.

All we need to do is

notice what is

notice what it feels like to be in a body,

the air against the skin,

the sounds around.

Not to label them

and start another train of not-now

Simply experience the sensations, as they are.


                              Peter Russel

                                                      The Spirit of Now







  1. Nice know when I go out shopping for grocery's I try hard to make eye contact with anyone..and just smile at them ...once in a while someone will smile ..and makes the rest of the day great..I think our country needs more smiles instead of complainers..

  2. Oh, Robbie, you are so right. You know here in the south we don't handle that white stuff on our roads too well so when they warn of show and road closings coming.... everyone heads for the grocery store for the milk, bread, batteries, flashlights.... and yes, beer. It is the neatest thing as you have to wait very very long in line because of the rush on the stores BUT everyone is talking sharing, smiling ~ every grocery store visit should be like that!!!! You could start an epidemic of smiling with that smile of yours so keep it up!!!!!

  3. They laugh at me here , I have a list for everything, if I lived for the moment , I might be online forever enjoying myself and never get anything done here lol

    But I do understand what she means and I will look her up , hmmmmm never thought about listening to things like that in the car, sounds like a good idea , might even enjoy listening to a good book by ear for a change on a trip.

    I am enjoying this very moment but I feel guilt because it's 3 p.m. and I haven't made my bed yet lol we went out for a late breakfast and got back home and it's pouring rain and so I came online and here I still sit. Oh heck it's Sunday might as well enjoy this moment and the next and the next and the next......... ((Hugs)

  4. OH, Sharon ~ it's Sunday ~ You are suppose to relax and enjoy yourself!!!! The bed will still be there tomorrow!!!!! It is great on a trip and that is when I like to listen to books too! That way they are not interrupted with things that come up at home! Have one now I can't wait to make a trip and listen too!!!...... Like your attitude about the next and the next and the next... Can't say you are a slow learner!!!!

  5. I forgot....I really's fitting that on a best friend reminds me...I have the best life every minute. Thank you Linda.

  6. Well, it is only right that since you are a big part of the reason I have such a wonderful life that I should have done it then. I tell you, Cherie when I heard that part of the cd I started it over again and listened and started it again and listened... I thought I am happy but I do spend a lot of time planning how to take care of things ahead or how to get there..... that is all still important but right this minute is so important too!!!! And this week it has made such a difference even with phone calls and emails and such!!! They seem bigger and better and more fun!!!! Love you..... Don't work too hard painting!!!!!

  7. One saying that has stayed with me over the years, Take Time To Smell The Roses.
    So much said in those six words.

  8. What a beautiful blog and a needed reminder.

  9. John that's what my Cardiologist. ordered... helps with the

  10. You could have helped me keep my blog shorter!!!! Where were you when I needed you????
    BUT such a true statement! And if there are no roses around... we can smell the green grass!

  11. Thank you, Frannie, I know it was something I need to be reminded of from time to time!
    Hope you listen to your Cardiologist, but than knowing your wonderful attitude you must listen!!!!

  12. Hi, Gilesy ~ I so agree.....
    So good to see you! Hope you are getting settled and it is feeling like home!!!
    I know.... I just know you are enjoying each moment!!!!!

  13. Oh Linda my dear friend, I have you so fooled...LOL

  14. My list is in my mental rolodex ... as long as I can remember "upstairs" then all is good. To live for the moment is to live for a lifetime. Huggers 8=)

  15. I am especially since I just read your blog. I love it and it is very true. So what are you doing in Alabama girl. You should be here in Cali......thehehehe Hugs.

  16. Living in the present, and the moment can sometimes be hard, but whats harder is living in the past.
    Very good blog my friend.
