Sunday, August 10, 2008

Everything Counts


Reading this made me think...  About trips to the grocery store...
people we meet on the street....  It seems to come naturally to smile and say hello,
 but have you ever run into someone that is just growling at the world? 
Makes a difference, doesn't it? 
 It seems I run into the nicest people. 
Always someone opens the door at the post office when I go there.
Last week when I had a couple of big packages,
  two people ask me if they could carry them in ~ so nice!
I told them thank you but just holding the door open helps so much!!!! 
People touch with looks, words, and actions in ways they never know! 
You do too!

Every action, every little word,

your facial expressions,

Your intentions...

Everything counts!!




Early 20th Century African-American poet Countee Cullen spent the
summer of his eighth year in Baltimore, Maryland. Shortly after he
arrived he noticed a little white boy staring at him. Countee smiled,
but the little boy did not smile back. Instead, he stuck out his
tongue and called him a hurtful, racial slur.

Cullen later wrote a poem that included his recollection of the summer
when he was eight. In it, he says this:

"I saw the whole of Baltimore
from May until September.
Of everything that happened there
that's all I can remember."

The white child likely soon forgot the episode. And he probably never
was aware of the pain he inflicted on the young stranger. But the
truth is... everything counts. EVERYTHING. Everything we do and
everything we say. Everything helps or hurts; everything adds to or
takes away from someone else.

Educator and writer Leo Buscaglia put it like this: "The majority of
us lead quiet, unheralded lives as we pass through this world. There
will most likely be no tickertape parades for us, no monuments created
in our honor. But that does not lessen our possible impact, for there
are scores of people waiting for someone just like us to come along;
people who will appreciate our compassion, our encouragement, who will
need our unique talents. Someone who will live a happier life merely
because we took the time to share what we had to give. Too often we
underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening
ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which
have the potential to turn a life around. It's overwhelming to
consider the continuous opportunities there are to make our love

How truly amazing life can be when we know that... EVERYTHING COUNTS.

from "Your Life Support"
-by Steve Goodier




Have a wonderful week


Don't forget to show your kindness!


  1. I growl at the world and smile at the same time..I hope this counts

  2. Robbie, you can growl at me anytime with that smile!!!

  3. You are a perfect example of the kindness already know what I think. I wonder what I ever did that warranted having you in my life. Maybe God was thinking some of your kindness will transfer to me by osmosis.....

  4. Where do you think any kindness I have came from, silly? You, of course!

  5. What a great reminder of how our actions affect others.. Great blog.. I have been blessed with meeting the most kind people. (Hugs)

  6. Could have something to do with your own love and kindness, Frannie!

  7. I think you get back what you put out, sometimes if I smile at a stranger I see a startled look on their face, then they will smile back and we both feel better for it !! Also if they don't smile back , well it's their loss isn't it ? lol

    Your blog is lovely Linda, as you are !!

  8. oh, Sharon, I've had that happen! But, I can't imagine them not smiling back at you ~ I smile back at you picture ~ How great it would be to see that smile in person ~ who knows ~ maybe someday!!!!!

  9. The other day I was in Wal Mart....I passed a man in a wheelchair; he had no legs below the knee. I passed him the first time and gave him a smile...then we met at the end of an isle; and almost collided... he backed up, insisting that I go first....and I did the same... we good naturedly argued back and forth a couple of minutes........then we both went our separate ways-----laughing!!! I think he was laughing harder than me..........LOL......(I could hear him in the next isle over, still chuckling) Sure made me feel good!!!!

  10. Doesn't it though? Must be so true about laughter being good medicine!!!!
    How come I never run into you in WalMart???????

  11. now linda this was a great feel good blog and so true and i think you exude this very well ...perfect way for me to wind my day down..and some old glenn campbell ..cheese i thought i was the only one listening to this stuff anymore

  12. Oh, no, Jgary, Cherie and I both were talking about what a great song this was today...
    Almost didn't use it because I had used it in an old blog in 360..... But just kept coming back to it
    so you are not alone in your listening.... don't think it has anythig to do with being "mature" ~ lol ~ Just good music!! Good night and Sweet dreams!

  13. lovely to read the blog you have so nicely put together, linda. your view is also mine. a smile can make such a difference, indeed. not to speak of...if someone asks how you really are? we never know what burdens people and what they carry in their heart, and some simple kindness can make a change.
    often we get "impulses" to say and do something, but i must admit, i used to reject such thoughts as "silly" and "strange". not any more! hence i'm watching the most amazing things and responses happening. anyone notice the language of the heart, and bridges are easily built across any cultural barriers.
    and many many times i'm grateful for the unexpected kindness i receive from totally unknown people as well as my friends and family.
    this is a good way of living.

  14. You made a smile the minute I saw you had visited... Your smile, your kindness comes though in your writing.... your pictures.... your attitude.... they are something that brighten my world each time you enter it. Thank you. You are so right about the burdens people have on them.... I know those that the kindness of others is what keeps them going at all. So glad they have people like you out there in the world... so glad we all do!
