Hmmm, Sounds very much like a penguin
we have right here on Multiply!!!
Luci, two other dear friends and I flew
to Chile and headed off for what proved to
be an off-the-charts, fantastic trip to the
Magallanic penguin rookery. I wasn't prepared
for the utter delight I felt as our bus made it's
way down to the coastal rockery, carefully
threading it's way through hundreds of little
penguins who didn't care whose parking lot
they were on or how big our bus was.
As we exited the bus, one particularly
friendly penguin turned to a woman and
began an energetic effort to loosen her
shoelaces. When the shoelaces would not
yield, the penguin pummeled the woman's
leg with a succession of flipper slaps that sent
us all into hysterics. The woman was not hurt
but she was sporting some memorable
bruises the next day,
To my knowledge, penguins
don't serve any useful purpose in life
other than to give people like me immense
pleasure. From the grandeur of the
snow-capped glacier peaks to the awkward
land inefficiency of penguins, what
fun it is simply to "sing for joy"
about God's creation.
~Marilyn Merberg
You want to start it with a smile?
Than visit our friendly penguin's
latest blog!!!! ~ ~ ~ Click here