Sunday, April 5, 2009


(Link below)


(My apologies to Gator for the song...
Am hoping her dinner
was not one of his relatives!!!)


Cherie is our hostess this week

& the theme she has given us is:



So many things came to mind with this theme.  I am sure at one time or another all of us have used a butter knife for a makeshift screw driver when we couldn't get a hold of the tool.  Also times I have used the refection in a building window as a makeshift mirror to straighten my hair before going into an appointment (no pictures of this lol).  At work all the time people are using coffee cups to have  makeshift soup bowls when they have forgotten to bring a bowl. 
What I decided on was a picture taken several years back when my daughter volunteered me to make a Christmas dress for one of her co-workers who was having trouble finding just what she wanted.  It was for her little toddler.  Given the measurements of the child I stated out sewing (it was a slip, dress and separate collar).  At one point I realized I needed to check out how the dress and slip hung together as the cathedral lace was suppose to show out the bottom of the dress but that was all that was suppose to show.  Not having the child present I had to come up with a
Makeshift Model that had about the same measurements around as the child...
And I just happened to have one...
My Makeshift Model

My Makeshift Model worked.. the dress and slip fit...
The bear survived the dress ordeal...
LOL.. guess all is well that ends well!!!
More of the Makeshift Model


  1. OMG Linda, what a beautiful dress you made! Must have been a lot of work involved in that!
    I'm not posting this week.

  2. lol that is to cute linda...and i sure hope it was a tina bear and not a teddy bear...great idea and fits perfect the theme

  3. Bears are known to be so helpful..giggle..great shot of makeshift...beautiful job on the dress.

  4. so silent and un wiggling he is.... women the mother's of creativity!

  5. I would never have thought of that in a million years. I bet the little girl was so thrilled with that dress. ....laughing at TJ's not wiggling.

  6. LOL Hope the dress looked as cute on the child as it does on the bear!!!

  7. awwwwww that is so cool and a great story to go with it : )

  8. Hey whatever works! lolol @ the child and the bear being the same size! Too cute!

    Click here for my entry
