Another year gone by and I am not there!
(Well there once again in heart and Spirit.)
I'm getting pretty good at re-posting last years Birthday Celebrations but
once again I think it covers our Cherie pretty good....
Only maybe now, she is even more loving, giving, younger looking and
if possible that smile has gotten even prettier!
And of course, she is even more fun.
I'm so proud to call her my Best Friend!
To Dance in the rain with her...
Follow the link below..
I still feel you'll be glad you did!
And now the feelings from last year that are carried over!
Yes, today is Cherie's Birthday.... After spending last year with her on her Birthday, I had decided that I was going to make sure that I was there for every Birthday after that...
(Best laid plans...) But I am there in heart and spirit!!!!
Seems as though we have our own little community going here on Multiply and the beauty of it is that miles don't matter (well, until you want to get a real hug from your friend again.) Anyone that is blessed enough to know Cherie knows everything I am about to tell you... and anyone that doesn't know her needs to drop by and wish her Happy Birthday and get her in your life... it will be a day that you will always be thankful for!!!! I know!!!!
(Link to Cherie below)
So much to say about our Cherie....
She is such a good writer... but she is much more than a writer...
She is beautiful BUT she is much more than that!
She is a wonderful mother and grandmother......
( I know she looks too young!)
She is loving & kind!!!
She is so much fun and full of life and adventure!!!
She is the BEST FRIEND anyone could ask for!!!!
I could go on and on...
and still not cover how beautiful, kind, smart or loving she is....
Just please join me in wishing Cherie a very Happy Birthday!!!