Friday, August 18, 2006


None of us wants to live our lives
 in a private room, closing outthe rest
of the world. It is the openhearted,
open-minded person who sees life as a real adventure. The person who is open to new
experiences and sees them as part
of the growing process faces life
not with fear, but rather with anticipation.
When open to life, we see the potential
for good in ourselves and in others,
and we love to watch it unfold.
Nothing is gained by traveling
through life in a covered wagon.
-Ralph Rhea

1 comment:

  1. John O Offline Over all I agree with this post. But every so often, I just have to "cave", to spend time alone, but then not really alone either, especially if it a walk along an ocean trail, or a solo camping trip in the hills. . .

    Monday May 28, 2007 - 08:58pm (PDT) Remove Comment
